On-Line Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to 04-Years B.Sc. Nursing Course for the session 2019 at the below mentioned Campus/Private/Government affiliated Colleges. Admission to the course shall be governed by the Admission Policy available on University website and relevant statutes.
1. South Campus, High ground, Fatehgarh, University of Kashmir, Anantnag;
2. Government Medical College, Srinagar;
3. Government College of Nursing College, MA Road, Srinagar;
4. Bibi Halima Nursing College, Kakasarai, Srinagar
i) Important dates:
Submission of On-Line Application Forms From 08-02-2019
Last date for submission of On-Line Application Forms 20-02-2019
Last date for submission of Hard copy of Application Forms in respect of candidates applying under any reserved category 22-02-2019
ii) Eligibility:
Candidates should have passed 10+2 examinations from a recognized Board/University with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subjects with 50% marks for Open Merit and 45% for Reserved Category. The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years as on 31 st December, 2019 and not more than 28 Years (the year in which admission is sought (in view of the statutes of the Indian Nursing Council)).
iii) Admission Criteria:
The admission will be made on the basis of Entrance Test to be conducted by the University comprising of 100 Objective Type Questions of multiple choices with Time duration of 110 Minutes. The Question Paper for the purpose will be framed from the syllabus meant for 11th and 12th Class as prescribed by the J&K Board of School Education.
iv) Submission of On-Line Application Form:
The candidates are advised to follow the below steps for filling their On-Line Application Forms. Step-1: Visit http://www.kashmiruniversity.net or www.kashmiruniversity.ac.in and click on Link Admissions. Read Important Instructions for Registration and Submission of Form carefully before proceeding further.
Step-2: Candidate needs to register him/herself before submitting the Online Application Form. For Registration with the System Click on the “Register as Student”. Remember the Username and Password for future reference.
Step-3: After successful Registration, login into the system for submitting On-line Application Form. Enter your “Registration No.” and Click “Next”.
Step-4: Enter the required details and Upload your latest passport size Photograph and click “Next”.
Step-5: Select the desired Preferences (After On-line submission the Preference of Campus/College selected will not be updated/changed). Click “Next”.
Step-6: If there is any variation click on “Previous” button, make necessary corrections and then Click “Submit”. Get a printout of the Form and note the Form No. for future reference.
Step-7: Deposit the non-refundable “Application cum Entrance Test fee of Rs. 1000/-“through online mode only.
v) Submission of downloaded Application Forms (Hard copy):
Only those of the candidates who apply under any Reserved Category are required to submit downloaded Application Form (hard copy) with the following documents in the office of the Dean College Development Council, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal and obtain a receipt for record.
i) Marks Certificate of the qualifying examinations;
ii) State Subject Certificate;
iii) Reserved Category Certificate with original for verification;
iv) Receipt of fee deposited in J&K Bank (University Copy).
vi) Additional information:
* The candidates must check the fee status of their Application Forms after three days from the submission of on-line Application Form In case, fee reconciliation is pending, the candidate should contact the office of the Directorate of Admissions & Competitive Examinations, University of Kashmir.
*For any further query/ information the candidates are welcome to contact University on following numbers:
*Office of the Directorate of Admissions & Competitive Examinations: 0194-2272063
*Office of the Dean College Development Council: 0194-2272014
Note:- The fee details to be deposited for admission to the said course can be had from the concerned Colleges.