It is notified for the information of all Private B.Ed affiliated Colleges/ Candidates, that the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor has been pleased to authorize below mentioned decisions regarding adjustment of Excess fee of Batch 2016-18;
1. Adjustment of Excess fee of Rs.2100/- towards B.Ed 3rd & 4th Semester Batch 2016-18 from deposited amount of Rs.4275/- (excluding Registration & Eligibility Fee) at B.Ed 1st & 2nd Semester Batch 2016-18 vide Notification Dt:-19-Dec-2018.
2. Deposition of Rs.175/- by each candidate towards this university of the same batch.
3. Refund of fee of those students who have either deposited this Fee directly in University or in B.Ed. Colleges of Batch 2016-18 for III & IV Semester.
4. All Principles of Private B.Ed Colleges are required to furnish an undertaking to the effect, that the fee has been realized on the basis of University Notification even No. Dt- 19th December, 2018 ONLY.