Apropos to the subject cited above and in consonance with the notification No: F(Acad-C)Adms/XI-X11/18 Dated: 24-09-2018 issued by the Director Academics, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned candidates of Kashmir Division who have been declared re-appear in one or more than one subject/s in the Annual Regular Examination-2018 that they shall be provisionally allowed to continue their studies in next class viz. 11th and 12th as the case may be till the result of the Bi-Annual-2018-19 examination is declared. In case the candidate/s fail to pass their re-appear subject/s in the Bi-Annual 2018-19 examination his/her provisional admission shall stand cancelled automatically and only those candidates who will be declared successful in all the compulsory subjects shall be eligible for regularization of the admission.