Notification regarding the students of BG 1st Semester, batch - 2017 that their examination evaluation status is available - University of Kashmir - Kashmir Student | 24 Hour Education Service - JKBOSE, Kashmir University, IUST, BGSBU


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Notification regarding the students of BG 1st Semester, batch - 2017 that their examination evaluation status is available - University of Kashmir

It is notified for the information of the students of BG 1st Semester, batch - 2017 that their examination evaluation status is available on the official websites of University of (, ).

The candidates whose practical marks are not shown against their roll numbers must approach the Principals of the respective colleges for further necessary action. Where marks (descriptive/objective) of a candidate has not been shown, he/she is presumed to be absent but were a candidate was present, then he or she must report to the “May I Help Desk” operating in the Examination Wing. Where a candidate has failed to mention question booklet series on the OMR sheet, he/she is advised to approach the Principal of his/her College along with the Question Booklet to authenticate the claim and submit the same in “May I Help Desk”. The students must get these issues resolved within Five days, failing which the present examination status shall be treated as final.