In pursuance to this office Notice of even number dated 21-02-2019, the candidates of MA (Private) backlog 1st & 2nd semester batch 2015, 2016-17 and backlog and fresh private 3rd & 4th semester batch 2015 and 2016-2017 shall also submit their hard copies of their examination forms In the PG Conduct Examination Wing. Candidates of Division improvement can submit their examination forms for maximum of four papers of the course/Programme.
Moreover, please read "all candidates shall deposit Rs. 350/- in favour of Examination Maintenance Fund using receipt generated online and in addition to this, Division Improvement/fresh private 3rd and 4th semester candidates shall also deposit Rs. 400/- as Degree Certificate Fee" instead of In addition, all candidates shall deposit Rs 350/- in favour of examination maintenance Fund using receipt generated online and Degree Certificate of Rs. 400/- shall also charged in favour of Division improvement /fresh private candidates erroneously mentioned in the afore said notification.