It is notified for information of all the eligible candidates of Higher Secondary Part-I Examination (Class 11th) Annual, Regular, 2018 of District Kargil Only desirous of obtaining the Xerox copy/ies of their script/s and getting their answer script/s Re-Evaluated should apply only for the same on JKBOSE official website www.jkbose.ac.in and the link for the same shall open from 25/2/2019. The last date for the submissions of online applications for obtaining the Xerox of answer script/s is 2nd March 2019 and for the Re-evaluation of answer script/s is 6th March 2019.
Instruction Note: After filling the form the candidate/s can deposit the fee either online or download Bank Challan and deposit the fee in any nearby J&K Bank Branch/Business Unit and keep the payment counter for his/her own record and reference and the candidate should not come to the Board Officer for the submission of same.
Further, the lists for a collection of Xerox copies of the answer scripts shall be uploaded on phased manner on the BOSE website.