Instructions to Candidates for Junior Assistant written recruitment Test - University of Kashmir - Kashmir Student | 24 Hour Education Service - JKBOSE, Kashmir University, IUST, BGSBU


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Instructions to Candidates for Junior Assistant written recruitment Test - University of Kashmir

Instructions for Candidates

• No candidate shall be allowed to sit in the Screening Test without the Admit Card and a valid photo Identity Card for verification;

• No candidate shall be allowed to enter the examination hall 15 minutes after the commencement of the Screening Test and also no candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination hall before the completion of the Examination;

• Use of any Electronic Devices like, Calculators, Mobiles, Bluetooth devices, Electronic Watches etc are not allowed in the Examination Hall possession of any such material shall invite unfair means.

• Examination for Paper A will start at 10.30AM and Paper B will start at 12.20 PM.

• No candidate be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the competition of both the Papers. However, in the event of any emergency, candidates be allowed to leave the Examination Hall without carrying the Question Booklet.

• At the Examination Hall, ensure that the correct Question Paper for which he/she has applied for has been received from the Invigilator;

• There will be no negative marking.

• Read the instructions reflected on the OMR Sheet carefully and fill the required particulars (Roll No., Name, Subject, Series and Signature) at the appropriate places on the OMR Sheet.

• Fill in correct and complete particulars on the OMR Sheet without making any corrections.

• OMR Answer Sheet has an original Copy and a candidates Copy glued beneath it at the top. While making entries in the original Copy, ensure that the two copies are aligned properly, so that entries made in the original copy against each item are exactly copied in the candidates copy;

• Tear off the strip at the perforation line on the top of the OMR Sheet to separate carbon copy from the original OMR Sheet without damaging edges of the OMR Sheet; Ensure the OMR Sheet is handled properly and are not damaged/mutilated;

• Use only blue/black ball point pen to darken the circle of correct/most appropriate response. In no case gel/ink pen or pencil should be used;

• Mark attendance on the Attendance Sheets provided for the purpose and enter the OMR Sheet Number and Question Booklet Series on the attendance sheet separately for Paper A and Paper B;

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